故事形容一名十九岁的奼女萍萍幻想能到日本的汽车整机公司事情但是为了糊口她必需靠在养猪场和为餐厅洗碗的两份事情生活8686电影而她的监护人姨妈田夫人,原来黑暗运营婴儿交易,专门摆设少妇与外劳交欢,而后将生下的婴儿转卖给无奈生养的佳耦从而赚牟利润本来就和田夫人相处不融洽的萍萍在得知了这类非法勾当后心里发生了极大的抵触和挣扎 Ping Ping is 19 and wants to go to Japan to work in a car parts company. She's under the guardian of her aunt, Madame Tien who shuffles her between two jobs; working in a pig farm and cleaning dishes in a rundown restaurant. Tien is also involved in a ‘baby factory’ scheme pairing young women with migrant workers and then selling the babies for money. Both survive with each other in a love-hate symbiotic manner, until a truth about her aunt is revealed to Ping Ping.8686电影为您提供虎厂在线观看,虎厂在线点播,虎厂8686电影与您在一起,这里是您娱乐和学习的好地方!学习和工作疲惫时您可以观看搞笑的电影与电视剧和欢快的综艺节目能够缓解压力,增添您的快乐;这里有经典的欧美电视剧和日韩电视剧,标准的中,英,日,韩语和清晰的中文字幕,可以在休闲中同时间学习外语,让您的外语水平得到提高;浪漫的港台剧,让您重温昔日的浪漫情怀.